and Accommodation

and Accomodation

Welcome to Madrid!

What to see, do, and enjoy while visiting Madrid
We hope you’ll enjoy the diverse range of attractions our city has to offer, from monuments and museums to beautiful parks and our gastronomy and lively streets.

You can find a lot of information here to help you explore our city, find the best ways to get around, discover fascinating new locations, and meet interesting people during your stay.

Visit Madrid Official Turism Web


Thursday 24th – Forestry School, UPM
On Thursday we will spend the day at the Forestry School, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, located in the Ciudad Universitaria Campus.

The School is located surrounded by the university arboretum which we will be able to enjoy during lunch break and coffee breaks.

It is easy to get to the Forestry School by underground (Ciudad Universitaria or Vicente Alexaindre Stations) and several bus lines.

Friday 25th – Centro Cultural Conde Duque
On Friday, we will move to Conde Duque, in Madrid centre. The building, originally erected in the early 18th century as a barracks for the elite Royal Corps guards, is now is one of the three large cultural venues managed by Madrid’s City Council.

Conde Duque


More information coming soon!